Whilst the word asbestos can conjure up all kinds of anxieties, the fact is that it may not be necessary for offending materials to be removed.
When ACMS are located and found to be in good condition, i.e. not in a state of breaking down and releasing fibres into the air, we would suggest a monitoring programme rather than removal.
Our consultancy service focuses on asbestos management which would, normally, involve an annual site inspection to ensure no deterioration in the ACMS listed in the Asbestos Register. Should any break down be apparent, we would re-evaluate the situation and discuss the options with our client.
Should subsequent removal be required, which may be subject to notification to the HSE (14 days notice), we will discuss date options and best process with our client to ensure minimal intrusion and interruption to their operations. Not all types of asbestos are notifiable so, in such cases, we simply agree a suitable start date for removal.
In compliance with the updated CAR 2012 Regs there is now Notifiable Non Licensed asbestos Works which will include the removal of textured coatings, cement products and floor tiles. To carry out these works operatives require health surveilance, record keeping, appropriate RPE and PPE and records of exposure. If an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is damaged, degraded, friable or it will be damaged during the removal process then it falls into the new category NNLW.